Product type:

KME Magnetic Lifting

Permanent magnet made of Neodymium. Rated with a safety factor of 3


magnet long

TypeWLL Flat Plate (kg)WLL Round Bar (kg)Weight (kg)
TypeWLL Flat Plate (kg)WLL Round Bar (kg)Weight (kg)
KME 100100303
KME 30030010011
KME 60060020024
KME 1000100030050
KME 2000200060090

KME Dimensions

TypeL (mm)B (mm)H (mm)R (mm)
TypeL (mm)B (mm)H (mm)R (mm)
KME 1001306473157
KME 3002019394212
KME 600258120117228
KME 1000310130140255
KME 2000500185185450

Not every load with ferromagnetic properties can safely be handled with a magnetic lifter. The magnetic lifter selected must match the characteristics of the load. As well as the weight, this includes the shape, surface finish and magnetic properties of the load.

For long loads, an arrangement of several magnets used in conjunction with a lifting beam is generally suitable as it provides the load with adequate support along its length. The position and capacity of the individual magnets should be such as to ensure that the share of the load imposed on each does not exceed its working load limit.

For flexible loads, the positioning should provide support at short enough spaces to prevent the load from peeling off the magnet.

Lifting magnets are normally rated for lifting a horizontal load in the vertical plane only. If the line of pull is not at right angles to the plane of the load, their lifting capacity will be substantially reduced and slippage may occur.

Below some data to the capacity-changes depending on the gap between load and magnet or the thickness of the material to be lifted: